Monday, February 15, 2010

This week

Our house is pretty crazy.  I've reached that delirious stage I've always gotten to with all of my boys.  I've gone almost 10 months with hardly any sleep between being pregnant with the twins and since they've been born. So during the day, I feel like a walking zombie.

Confession: In all of the twin books it says when one baby wakes up to eat, you need to wake up the other one too.  The purpose of course being so they will be on the same schedule, making life a little easier, getting up only half of the time.  Well, easier said than done.  I have tried but I HATE waking a sleeping baby.  They are usually on the same schedule during the day, but at night, they like to trade off.  That means I get up 3-4 times with each baby making it a total of 6-8.  It usually works out that once I get one down it's a matter of 30 to 40 minutes later, that the other one wakes up.  I know everyone will think I'm crazy but it really is harder than you would think. Those of you that have twins and have succeeded,  I'm proud and jealous. Anyway, that's what I have been doing.  But being a zombie all day isn't very fun so I'm going for it.  I am going to change our sleeping patterns around here.  I'll keep you posted.

Of course that's just one part of our crazy lives. With the older boys, its school, homework, sports, chores, etc.  Don't worry, I won't bore you with that for now.  Enough of that, here's the fun stuff we are experiencing.

The name of my street where I grew up is called "Sunset Drive".   From my parents house you could see the most beautiful sunsets around. Hence the name.  I have always loved seeing the colors in the sky and have been lucky to live in beautiful places to see them over mountains and at the beaches.  This is a picture of a Spanish sunrise from our top balcony .  My boys probably get sick of me always telling them to look at the sky but it's just one of my things.

This is our Jake.  He couldn't be more of a typical 4 year old boy.  Most of the time, his attitude is cute but he can definitely be more of a stinker than he should.  Anyway, this is a little clip of our  conversation the other day.

We know we put a lot of videos on here and that some of you might be bored with them.  But we want to share some of these moments with family and friends that are so far away from us.

This is a video of Tanner rolling over.   Spencer seemed like he would be the one to roll first, but Tanner sort of did it out to the blue. We didn't even see his first one since he did it when we weren't in the room. But later that day we captured this one.

Finally, a clip of a brewing sibling rivalry.

Jake:  "Mom!! I don't want this tortilla because it has brown on it and brown is the color of coffee and I don't like coffee.  Its disgusting."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Big catch up

We're well into the new year and have much to catch up on.  So this is a random post of the latest month or so.

Christmas was so much fun with the ages our boys are at.  They were thrilled to receive their gifts of course, but they also were excited about the gifts to each other and taking treats around to friends. I appreciate my boys and how much they love doing things for other people.  It was fun to have our new babies this Christmas too.  Our line of stockings increased by two.  I love it. 

This year for New Years, Nick and Caden were the brave ones.  I stayed back with the other four boys while Nick and Caden walked in to the city center to celebrate with the Spanish.  Here during the last 12 seconds of the year, with each chime of the the church bell,  you're supposed to try to eat 12 lucky grapes.  

The big holiday here in January is "Three Kings" day.  The parade was hilarious.  They don't just toss some candy out, they throw it out in full force.   Jake had to hide behind me  because he didn't like getting decked in the head over and over. People just held out their umbrellas upside down and let the candy fall in.  Also when the floats would end, everyone would hurry to another part of the city and have it come by again.  We followed it twice but most people kept going.

The babies are now five months.  They are growing too fast.  Each stage is bitter sweet.  It's fun to see them develop and get their personalities but that means they'll never be this little again.  As much work as they bring, we wouldn't want it any other way.  They bring us all so much joy.  The older boys are so in love with them.  They probably get a little too much love but that's what happens to the babies of the family.  I remember smothering my baby sister Emme so I know how they feel.  Anyway, that's the latest with us.  Babies are calling!

This slideshow contains some of the latest pics of the twins.

Below are a few video clips from our lives here. Might be interesting to some...