Sunday, May 30, 2010

Days one and two

So here goes.... I can't put in all of the details but here are the basics.  We started out tired since we landed in London at 11:00 p.m.  They did really well on the flight despite not getting a good sleep.  With all of the boys, everything takes so long!  So between getting our bags, and getting the rental car, etc. We left the airport at 12:30 a.m.  Only to get lost on the way to our first hotel for a REALLY long time.  During that journey, we went through some really cute little towns.  We saw two deer, an owl, a fox, and about forty rabbits.  They were cool to see but we would have much rather been sleeping comfortably in a bed.  I'm not even going to say when we finally got to the hotel but lets just say the sun was coming up.  So after a short sleep, we had to get up and get going since we had lots of things to see.  Already too many details, I'm moving on to pictures.

First stop...  Stonehenge:  Such a cool place. I got to go there 13 years ago with my parents but I knew Nick  and the boys would want to see it.  It really is mind boggling to see the rocks in their form and think of how they got that way so MANY years ago.

After Stonehenge, we drove up to Warwick Castle.  I was so excited to take my boys there.  It's was like heaven for them.  I knew they would love it and they did!

This picture below, Nick took from the tallest tower of the castle.  It's a lot of steep steps going up but so worth seeing this view when you get there.

Then on to Stratford Upon Avon to see William Shakespeare's home and the church where he was buried. The boys were so excited to eat at Pizza Hut since we don't have that in our little town of Rota Spain.

We had a busy first day and still made the drive up to Nottingham where we stayed our second night. We had a traditional English breakfast the next morning.  I love the beans on toast but I don't remember having stewed tomatoes when I lived there.  We drove by and saw my apartment I lived in when I was there.  Then we went in to the city center as I told the boys stories of when I was a missionary for the LDS church.  It was so great being back with my boys. We went to the Nottingham Castle which they loved since they are way in to Robin Hood.  Since the new movie of Robin Hood just came out with Russel Crowe, it was a big deal there.   They had a display that we weren't allowed to take pictures of in the castle.  They were the original clothes that were worn in the new movie.  So now I'm excited to watch it and know I saw the real clothes they were wearing.


  1. Oh my gosh! Those pics are unreal! I love the one from the top of the castle. How fun.

    P.S. Can we go shopping together next time we see each other because you always look so cute.

  2. I am fairly certain that Dana and I couldn't possibly be any more jealous of you than right now...LOOK at those CASTLES! Oh my. Absolutely amazing. I am SO SO glad you were able to get there...but now I MUST GO!

  3. Yeah... so you may be convincing me to do a mission tour... maybe ;)

    I'm so happy you got to go back to Nottingham! Yay! :)

  4. These pictures are so cool! What an awesome trip for all of you! I hope we make it there some day too! Miss you, Rachel Broom

  5. Wow what cute nephews I have, I am yet to meet the twins, but so excited to see them in July, they are beautiful boys, just like the other 3.


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